
ARC Review: "The Land the Gods Forgot" by Sarah Beth ★★★★

ARC Review: The Land the Gods Forgot by Sarah Beth

Outlander meets Vikings meets Narnia in this enticing, enchanting tale of time-traveling, prophecies, magic, found family, love, loss, and betrayal. “The Lands the Gods Forgot” has been such a joy to read!
“The gods knew what they were doing when they sent you to me. You're never leaving my side again, little shield maiden.”

[Contains some spoilers]

Bria is going hiking in Norway, in an ancient Fjord, and discovers a rock etched with Ancient Norse runes, one of the symbols she recalls being one used “for an awakening”, an adventure. And sure enough, she is about to get one! Suddenly she is thrust into the stone, a magic portal, back into the past to a realm called Volheimer – right in the middle of a battle taking place between Vikings and Beasts! This said battle is an occurrence that happens twice a year on the solstices, fighting ‘til nightfall and then stops, an endless cycle of war between the cities of Daganold and Feigrund. The latter city is a dark place where forbidden black magic resides and whence the Beasts come, creatures with horns, pale skin of green or blue hues, claws for hands, red eyes and sharp teeth. Little at this point is known of their origins (but later on it is revealed, similar to how the Orcs were once Elves in Tolkien’s “Simarillion”, these horrid creatures are actually men captured and transformed using black magic).

Bria is then saved by Daganold’s King, Alarik, everything you expect a Viking Lord to look and act: stubborn, suspicious but kind and fair-minded. There in Daganold she meets his Warden the sweet Emblyn, head guard the amusing Oryn, and trusted advisor and brother the charming Refkell. There is a curse upon the realm so that its people can never escape, no matter which direction they go or how hard they try.

It is believed that Bria is their saviour, their Chosen One, who is destined to appear and save them from their imprisonment. At first, Bria is in denial but eventually accepts this is her fate and circumstances occur which allows her to train in both fighting and healing to defend herself. After their rocky start, Bria becomes very close to Alarik. But how can she fall in love with someone who she cannot be with if she ever gets home. And how can she get home?

This is told from a past-tense dual POV narrative, told through the perspective of Bria and Alarik.

Just as Bria is sucked into the past, so I too was sucked into this world through Sarah’s great storytelling that beguiles the reader into desiring more. I am an absolute sucker for both time-traveling and Viking stories and this one was no exception! This had a whole combination of vibes. Being the Scottish woman I am, I love Outlander but am also fond of Vikings and Narnia so it’s lovely to see plotlines all rolled up into one. I was easing my way through chapters, yet also not wanting it to finish. Reading this somehow reminded me of my childhood, particularly racing through Narnia – it was like embracing an old friend, and I was greatly comforted by this feeling.

Indeed, Sarah evoked a lot of emotion for me at the end, I cried. Everything wrapped up perfectly! This particular part of the story reminded me of the end of the film Dracula Untold wherein both Vlad and Mirena are deceased but centuries later reunited as reincarnations vaguely finding each other familiar, except in this book Alarik does remember. That has to be one of my favourite unexpected HEAs in any film and, though I expected Bria and Alarik to be reunited, how it happened was unexpected.

Also providing a map was nice, I always love to see a map. Helps to give perspective to how far away things are. Surprised the Black Forest is not actually mentioned here, though it can be seen through the transformation of healthy green trees in the north, to rotten trees with no leaves as one makes their way south.

Some of the direction of the story was predictable but not unenjoyable. I have to say I suspected Refkell from the start. As far as villains go, he checks all the boxes: younger brother, trusted advisor, mischievous, equal to his brother in fighting and strength. His name rather fittingly means “fox helmet” and a fox is cunning and deceitful just like him. This made the big reveal very satisfying, I literally jumped to my feet yelling “I knew it! I KNEW IT!” since the first page he appeared I had a huge hunch about it.

I only don’t rate it as 5 stars because I felt the story was lacking in overall world-building. Don’t get me wrong there was some depth, but there were moments where information felt missing, I had more questions than answers. Why was Bria chosen as the saviour? Where does the light magic originate from and why is it all too willing to help her? Who were the rulers centuries before that had started this endless war, what significance are they to Alarik and Refkell, who was the woman the two rulers were fighting over? Why was Bria unable to use her newly found magic on the battlefield? Essentially, I desired to learn more about the culture and history.

Also, the fade-to-black spice scene I would have just preferred if it had been filled in, considering this scene is the only one of its kind in this story.

<< Bria >>
↳ means "noble". Grey eyes, brown chocolate-coloured hair. I really liked her, and I am glad the story doesn’t make her seem too stubborn or even too modern – that makes a change.
Her selflessness, and willingness to help others is commendable. Even when she herself is run down she is always thinking of other people. I smiled during the moments when she is smug and gets her way, or when she befriends the horses. All around, a well-thought-out character.
*⁀➷ Favourite quotes
• “he knew a beautiful person when he saw one... Bria, even in her panic and blood-soaked clothing, had been beautiful. Now, with the morning sun shining down on her, she was stunning.”
• " “Are you alright?” The question shocked him. It wasn't what he had been expecting to hear. "
• "She was their savior, after all. He just wondered if she knew that she had already saved him"

<< Alarik >>
↳ means "noble ruler". The Viking King. Crystal blue eyes, thick beard, long blonde hair, broad build. His father passed 6 months ago during the winter solstice battle. His mother died in childbirth when he was young (the baby also died). The man has been through a lot, to say the least. He does not at first accept that magic brought Bria to him.
I have more to write about him than I think anyone else! He has so many beautifully described moments that I really enjoyed every second he was on the page. My favourite has to be when he is training Bria and the two of them are laughing. It warmed my heart.
I love how generally Alarik is always thinking of Bria’s welfare from provide protection to training her to the way he considers getting her warmer clothes and beeswax for her chapped lips for the cold winter. And the way he is short with her then mentally kicks himself and considers either her emotions or how she is not used to the situation or physical efforts and thus betters himself. Then when he asks Bria about her life at home because he realises he does not actually know much about her. His loyalty is of course to a fault, and I love the different sides that we get to see of him. From his grouchy stubborn self at the start to the strong and firm ruler he is to the softer vulnerable side that Bria brings out in him.
*⁀➷ Favourite quotes
• "She would deny it if anyone asked, but her breath was stolen from her lungs upon looking at those eyes."
• “What’s happened? Something is bothering you. Who do I need to kill?
• "When his laughter broke out again, she was fairly sure she could listen to the sound for the rest of her life stuck in Volheimer."
• “All I ask is that you stay with me? Allow me to hold you. That will be enough.
• "Her Viking. He was far too much a gentleman."

<< Refkell >>
↳ means "fox helmet". The fox aspect as mentioned previously is rather fitting. Brother of Alarik, looks exactly like him except more clean-shaven.
He is someone of whom I went from love to hate to love again. I suspected him from the first, but loved his charisma, teasing and fun. Being the youngest sibling, I understand being the more light-hearted one but oftentimes overlooked. I think in particular the description of him looking in horror at what he has done, "He sounded so young. So scared." – that’s where I felt the sympathy. And then his own sacrifice, very noble. I was surprised he appeared at the end. His storyline felt typical yet not, because not all villains get a redemption arc. I really liked this for him, and that at the end he gets to see Bria again and there is forgiveness.
*⁀➷ Favourite quotes
• "little brothers always follow"
• “He's never had to work for anything in his life!...He gave his best friends positions of power while I got nothing!
• “You will be mine. And when I rule Volheimer - there will be no one left to protect you.

<< Emblyn >>
She is the best friend anyone could ask for. I love her so much she is so kind, sympathetic and funny. “You've become a dear friend to me, Bria. A sister, truly. Never feel bad for needing my company.

There are a few books and shows that have parallels to the events in this story.
<< Outlander >>
• ancient stone sends heroine into the past (Bria from modern day to a year unknown, probably around 1000s / Claire from 1945 to 1743)
• when they get there, they are saved from harm by a man (Bria’s saved by Alarik from the war / Claire’s saved by Jamie Fraser from her first husband Frank’s ancestor Jack Randall)
• is trapped and unable to get home
• help treat the people residing there (Bria trains to be a healer / Claire was a former nurse in the war and knows about medicines and how to concoct them)

• finds romance there (Bria with Alarik / Claire with Jamie Fraser)

<< Narnia >>
• prophesied as saviours to end an eternal curse (Bria to end the endless war / the Pevensie children to end the eternal winter)
• villain uses dark magic (Valda / White Witch)
• evil creatures are called Beasts
• features wolves (though in this tale are neither good nor evil, they merely don’t see Bria as a threat / in Narnia work for the White Witch)
• secret door is discovered (Bria finds a door behind a mirror in the room she is locked in, granting her knowledge and escape / Lucy finds the door into Narnia through a wardrobe)

<< Vikings >>
• all about Vikings, of course: the Kings, the Jarls, the way they live, the way they fight, etc.

• features a Seer, an important figure in Norse mythology able to see into the future, usually women who practiced Sei∂r (prophetic magic). Vikings believed greatly in fate so these people were viewed very highly
• wars, wars and more wars
• brothers fighting each other, who were once on the same side (Alarik vs Refkell / Ragnar vs Rollo)

══════════ ⋆★⋆ ══════════

I am honoured to have been selected as an ARC reader for this book, and I’d like to thank Sarah Beth and BookSirens for the opportunity. This has not affected my opinion in any way.

The Land the Gods Forgot” is out April 27th
