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ARC Review: "More to Life;" by Chris Knight ★★★★

ARC Review: More to Life by Christopher Knight Thought-provoking, charming and devastatingly moving, Knight has composed a short and sweet yet powerful tale celebrating the joy of living. Bring tissues! “ Find your John. A John is someone who makes you feel truly alive, who makes life worth living. The light in a dark room. Your John makes you smile even on the worst of days. Life is too short not to surround yourself with people who bring out the best in you, trust me.” [ Contains some spoilers ] PLOT SUMMARY John Parvis is a fan of routine: he gets the same coffee (three sugars, two creams) to board the same train to work the same job every single day. That is until the fateful day he bumps into aspiring poet Clara Mori , whom he spills his coffee on. It is then he discovers, upon giving her back the notebook she dropped, that she intends to end her life. John, determined not to let this happen, asks her on a coffee date. From there, he sacrifices the order he loves s...

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